Holiday Magazine Issue 382-3


Holiday is an international, bi-annual publication. Renowned for its bold layout, literary credibility, and ambitious choice of photographers, Holiday portrayed the world like no other periodical. The premise was simple: send a writer and photographer to a specific location and ask them to capture their vision of the place without constraints of style, length or budget. The team who conceives, designs and produces the magazine is based in Paris. It is written in English, but its heart is French.

This issue features: mystical state of Bhutan - laying between the giants China and India, the small state is fast overlooked. But with its pristine heights and enchanting villages, withers untouched nature and unique culture it is one of the places where true travel is still possible. Holiday Magazine shows Bhutan through alluring photographs and stories about the solitary summits of the Himalayas and Bhutans love for archery, as the means of expression for the Bhutanese soul.
The editor's letter sums it in one sentence: “This is a real journey, the kind that proves there is such a thing as an elsewhere.”

Available in different cover pages. 

Measures: 34.5 x 28 cm
Pages: 280
Binding: Soft cover